The Forrest City Times from Forrest City, Arkansas (2024)

a JUNE-1898. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed.

Thur. Fri. Sat. 2 3 5 6 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 CURRENT TOPICS. THE NEWS IN BRIEF.

FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Ix the senate. on the 5th. the war revenue mea way further considered for three hours, several speeches by prominent senators being made. Ta: bill was then laid aside in order that eulogies might be pronounced upon the late Senator Walthall.

of ppl. In the house, during a long session. a few bills were pa-sed, the discussion involving a wide range of subjects The desciency pension bill was constered, as Was a bill to amend the internal laws. Pending a sea and nay vote on the internal reveage bill the house adjour.ed. IN the senate, on the 27th, during the discussion of the war revenue measure, Mr.

Gorman denounced as "infamous" the decision of the supreme court declaring the Income-tax law of 1804 unconstitutionaL He also made a powerfal argument in favor of issuing bonds to raise funds with which to prosecute the war. Mr. Teller advocated coinage of the seigniorage. Other speeches were made, but little progress was made with the the house much time was wasted in securing a quorum, and little business was transacted after it was secured. Consideration of private bills occupied most of the day session, and night session, devoted to pension legisiation, was held.

IN the senate. on the 28th, after a discussion lasting two weeks, at the close of a session, a vote was taken 00 3 moti to lay the corporation tax amendments proposed by the democratic majority of the committee on the table, and it was carried by the decisive vote of: Yeas, 41; nays, 27. Mr. Gorman then proposed his substitute providing for tax on corporations, but no vote was reached. The senate adjourned until the The house was not in session.

IN the senate, on the 31st. the entire day's session was consumed in specch-making, in which several senators took part. No prozress whatever was made with the war revenue bill. which was under the house several private bills were passel, as was bill authorizing the construction of bridge across Lake Francis, near Lake City. and joint resolution directing the codifying and submission of a code of civil law and procedure for Alaska.

PERSONAL AND GENERAL. INCLUDING the arrivals on the 26th there were 42,000 math encamped at Chickamauga park. Ninth New York, Col. G. James Greene, commanding, arrived on the 26th.

There are 1,010 men in the command. This regiment was organized in 1800, and has preserved its organization intact. HAVANA news has been received at Tampa, stating that the city is in a state of wild excitement over stories of the American army that is coming to besiege the city. The archbishop ordered a special day of fasting and prayer, that. the calamity may be averted.

Ox the 28th the associated banks of New York city held $53,704,600 in excess of the requirements of the 25-percent. rule. THE mountain battery offered to the United States government by John Jacob Astor, when hostilities broke out, has been accepted. Lieut. C.

March, of the Fifth United States artillery, has been detailed to command the battery. THE state department was notified, on the 27th, by British Consul Gollen, at Havana, that exchange of prisoners had been effected, and the Maple, with Charles Thrall and Hayden Jones, the American correspondents, on board, had sailed for Key West. NEWS from Calcutta says that the plague is causing great alarm there. At Hong Kong, however, it is stated that there has been a great decrease in the number of fresh plague cases. W.

F. BOWEN, of Butte, while attempting to bid his brother good-by on the departure of the troops for San Francisco, on the 27th, fell beneath the military train and was killed. THE rainy season is beginning in Caba, and the fleet of war ships and newspaper dispatch boats have already experienced bad weather, with frequent violent rain storms. WORK at the Mare Island navy yard is being pushed. Money for the repair of the coal sheds is now available, and the supply now coming in will be rapidly stored.

THE steamer China arrived at San Francisco, on the 27th, from Hong Kong, via Yokohama and Honolulu. The China left Hong Kong on April 30, and therefore did not bring mail advices of the battle of Manila. WHILE miners were working in the Red Ash vein of the Kaska William colliery, about ten miles east of Pottsville, on the 26th, a large body of water was struck and six men were drowned. FAILURES during the week ended May 27 were, for the United States, 245, against 214 for the corresponding week last vear. For Canada the failures were 21, against 22 last vear.

THE Bethlehem (Pa.) iron company has made and shipped to Watervliet arsenal, New York, the largest cannon forging ever turned out in America. It is the first one of the 16-inch group ordered for Sandy Hook. AT Bracebridge, the trial of Win. J. Hammond, a young druggist, for the murder of his wife, Kate Hammond, on March 6, 1896, ended in a verdiet of guilty.

Hammond was sentenced to be hanged on September 15. THE senate, on the 28th, voted to lay on the table the finance committee amendment to the war revenue bill, placing a tax on corporations-41 to 27. THE United States marshal has under arrest and in the federal jail at Guthrie, Kinder H. Hargo, a young Seminole Indian, who has confessed to murdering Mrs. Laird, for whose death young Sampson and Geisy were burned to death by a white mob last January.

00 0 0 0 0 000 000 000 00 000 FORREST CITY TIMES. LANDYCIGT VADAKIN, Pubs. FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS. THE priests and nuns at Manila have been removed from the latter place to Laguna. THE statement of the condition of the treasury, issued on the 27th.

showed: Available cash balance, gold reserve. $172,993,526. THe presence of 1,809 troops still remaining in Camp McKinley, contribated to give Memorial day at Des Moines, a military aspect. IT was reported, on the 31st, that the departure of Admiral Camara's fleet from Cadiz had been delayed by defects discovered in the torpedo boats. SENOR J.

F. DE ASSIS BRASIL, Brazilian minister to the United States, arrived at New York, on the 31st. on the Kaiser Wilhelm de Grosse from Breman and Southampton. VETERANS of the Union and the confederacy marched together in the parade at Denver. on the 30th, and decorated the soldiers' graves in the various city cemeteries.

THE Japanese papers, commenting on the future of the Philippines, say it will be well for Japan to be a keen spectator of the war between the United States and Spain. SECRETARY LoNG has received a cable from Admiral Dewey informing him of the illness of Capt. Gridley and two other officers who have been invalided and will be sent home. A DISPATCH from Madrid says: Blanco believes he can easily prevent any landing in Cuba by Americans, as his forces are ready to concentrate and fall upon the invaders in the four western Six additional postal clerks have been detailed to the camp at Chickamauga, making 22 in all at that camp. The mail is delivered there three or four times a day, and as many as 25,000 letters have been delivered at one time.

THE nary department received, at 12:30 o'clock on the morning of the 30th, dispatch from Commodore Schley, stating that the Spanish fleet was in the bay of Santiago de Caba, and that he had seen and recogaized the vessels. As THE outcome of an election dispute M. Henri Rochefort, editor of the Paris L'Intransigeante, and M. Gerault Richard, the former socialist deputy, fought a duel on the 27th. M.

Rochefort was pricked on his right hand, and honor was satisfied. Tux newspapers of Madrid are much concerned over the fact that the United States auxiliary, cruiser Harvard was allowed to ship from 600 to 750 tons of coal at Kingston, Jamaica. They declare Great Britain has violated her neutrality thereby. LIEUT. ANDREW S.

ROWAN, Nineteenth United States infantry, who recently returned from a successful mission to the interior of Cuba, where he met and conferred with Gen. Gomez, has been nominated by the president as lieutenant-colonel of the Sixth United States volunteer infantry. Two RUSSIAN officers, accompanied by a member of the Russian legation in Washington, were at the war and navy departments, on the 31st, to obtain permission to observe the operations of the war. They were Col. Yermoloff and Lieut.

Zelenoy. They were granted the permission desired. THE statement of the associated banks of New York city for the week ended on the 28th showed the following changes: Surplus reserve, increase, loans, increase, specie, increase, legal tenders, increase, deposits, increase, circulation, increase, $6,500. REAR-ADMIRAL DEWEY has informed the authorities at Manila that he will hold them responsible for the life of the captain of the Spanish gunboat Callao, captured by the United States fleet. The Spaniards had threatened to shoot him for surrendering, although confronted by the whole American fleet.

ADVICES from Manila, on the 27th, Callao, i is untrue." said: situation is unchanged. The insurgents are quiet. Beef costs $2. 50 per pound at Manila. The report that the commander of the Spanish boat Callao was tried by court-martial and shot for not returning the fire of American ships which captured the ORDERS for the military invasion of issued by Secretary Alger, on the 30th, and immediately all was bustle and hurry at Tampa, Mobile, and other camps on the coast.

Though the government was reticent with regard to the movement, is known that it will be in force with probably several objective points. A DISPATCH from Port-au-Prince, Hayti, on the evening of the 31st, stated that 14 American warships bombarded the fortifications defending the harbor of Santiago de Cuba for nearly two hours, during the afternoon, inflicting serious damage. The reports came through Spanish sources, so the merits of the bombardment can not yet be told. THE Universal Peace union, which is permitted by the city of Philadelphia to occupy rooms in Independence hall free, has forwarded to the queen regent of Spain a letter denouncing the war and expressing sympathy with the enemies of the United States with whom we are at war. 'The room was ornamented with a Spanish flag, which, however, has been removed.

AN American named Stickley, whe has been in Mexico City, in the land business, has been arrested on the charge of having stolen $10,000 when agent, in Ohio, of the Adams Express Co. DURING dense fog, off Fire island, on the evening of the 28th, the United States cruiser Columbia was run into by the steamer Foscolia, grain laden, and a hole store in her huil. The Foscolia sank almost immediately, bat the Columbia succeeded in rescuing all of her crew. GEN. ERASTUS NEWTON BATES.

prominently identified with the erie and military history of the states of Illinois and Minnesota, died at Minneapolis, on the 29th, aged 70 years. He was one of the framers of the charter of Minnesota and its first senator. THE car barn and 130 winter cars stored therein. of the Consolidated Railway Co. of Baltimore, were burned on the evening of the 29th, entailing a loss of $250,000.

The barn was located at Irvington. THE number of troops assigned to Gen. Merritt's command has been increased by 8,000. This means that 000 men are to be taken to Manila as fast as the transports can be procured to carry them. Ax unique feature in the Memorial day parade of the grand army posts in St.

Louis was the carrying of a national flag by each veteran, which was placed, with the flowers, on the graves of the dead. UNITED STATES MINISTER BRYAN and the Brazilian minisiter of foreign affairs have signed the supplementary treaty to the extradition treaty between Brazil and the United States. Ar the suburban Columbia cemetery near Cincinnati, on the 30th, the memorial platform gave way. About 100 persons, mostly children, fell. Many suffered slight injuries.

BARON LION PLAYFAIR, the distinguished English chemist, political economist. civil service reformer and parliamentarian, died in London on the 29th. A STEAMER is reported to have landed 6.000 rifles at Cavite for the use of the Philippine insurgents. THE cook of the United States auxiliary gunboat Hawk, a native of Manila, who deserted his post recently, was arrested ashore at Key West, Fla on the 30th. A LONDON news agency, on the 30th, asserted that the pope had forwarded peace proposals to President McKinley.

THE Americans have captured the Spanish gunboat Leyte, which was attempting to run dispatches into Iloilo. THE Spaniards have offered $25,000 for the head of Aguinaldo, the Philippine insurgent leader. FREDERICK HALL, a crate maker, living at Burslem, the principal town in the district called "The Potteries" in Staffordshire, England, while insane, murdered his wife and five children with a billhook and then committed suicide by cutting his throat. THE Spanish bark Maria Dolores, of Bilbao, was overhauled by one of the American cruisers, six miles off Porto Rico. She was bound from Rio Janeiro to San Juan de Porto Rico with coal.

POTTER PALMER, of Chicago, arrived at New York, on the 31st, from Europe. GEORGE WEST, alias Charles Rivers, has sawed out of jail at. South Bend, and escaped. West was con victed of robbing the South Bend national bank of $15.600. INTIMATIONS are given in Washing.

ton that the present military movement will be directed against Porte Rico as well as eastern Cuba. LATE NEWS ITEMS. The convention of the American Theosophical society at Cincinnati decided to transfer headquarters from New York to Cincinnati. Delegates from 30 societies are present, there being 54 delegates in all." A plot to break jail was discovered at Selma, Ala. A dozen county prisoners had plotted to overpower the jailer, killing him if necessary.

A siung shot files were taken away from them and the leaders put in irons. The Italian minister of foreign affairs, the marquis Visconti Venosta, declares that no power or combination of powers will intervene in the Spanish-American war, unless one of the belligerents invites such intervention. The Disabled Cruiser Columbia. NEW YORK, June -The disabled cruiser Columbia probably will not be able to leave the dry dock at the navy yard for ten days at least. More than a hundred mechanics are at work on the vessel, ripping off the injured armor-plates and sponson.

The steelprotected decks do not seem to be materially injured. Senator Lodge and the Hawaiian Annexation Proposition. WASHINGTON, June Lodge has decided not to formally offer his Hawaiian annexation proposition as an amendment to the war revenue bill, but he thinks that the final adjournment of congress can be delayed in order to allow the Hawaiian question to be disposed of this session. Tried to Make a Sneak. NEW YORK, June copyrighted special from Port-au-Prince to the Evening World says: report was current at Mole St.

Nicholas that three of Cervera's fleet tried to steal out of Santiago and were pursued. They only escaped destruetion by regaining their port." Spain Strengthening Her Armament. GIBRALTAR, May 30. -Advices received here from Cadiz say all the guns of both the batteries and the forts are being replaced by heavier guns. It is reported that the departure of Admiral Camara's fleet has been delayed by de fects discovered in the torpedo boats.

Murdered His Family and Suicided. LONDON, June Hall, crate maker living at Burslem, the principal town in the district called "The Potteries" in Staffordshire, while insane, murdered his wife and five children with a billhook and then mitted suicide by cutting his throat. ACCEPTABLE ARTICLES. diers! in the Field May Learn What Articies Will Prove Most Useful and Acceptable and Where to Send Them. General Memorandum Prepared by Surgeon-General Sternberg of the Army.

IT IS IN REPLY TO NUMEROUS LETTERS. Patriotic Ladies Who Desire to Do Something for the Sick and Wounded Sol- WASHINGTON June of the army, has received numerous letters from patriotic ladies asking what articles would be most acceptable for the use of our sick and wounded soldiers in the field or in the hospitals. For the purpose of answering in a general way these inquirles, he has prepared the following memorandum which will be sent to persons communicating with him on the subject: may be sent to the surgeongeneral of the army as a contribution to the hospital funds of the hospital ship "Relief" and of United States general hospital. This will be sent to the surgeons in charge to be expended for delicacies for the sick, such as canned soups, jellies, oranges, etc. Those who prefer may contribute canned soups, clam broth, orange marmalade, ginger ale, biscuit, water crackers.

and similar articles in hermetically sealed cans, for use on the hospital ship "Relief," and at the United States general hospitals at Key West, Fort McPherson, Fort Thomas, and Fort Myer, Va. Bandages, lint and other surgical dressings are not desired, as these can be obtained from the manufacturers sterilized for use, and of the quality which experience has shown to be best suited to our purposes. Shirts and drawers are provided by the government, but will be accepted and can be given to convalescents upon their discharge from hospitals. Pajamas made of light gingham will be useful for the sick in hospital and on the hospital ship, as they can be worn by convalescents who are able to be out of bed. Long night shirts of light muslin can also be utilized.

Broad bandages of light flannel to protect the abdomen are highly recommended, and may be worn to advantage by our soldiers in the field. The articles mentioned may be sent direct to the surgeon-general of the army or to the surgeons in charge of the general hospitals named." BUSTED THE BLOCKHOUSE. The Gunners on the Auxiliary Gunboat Uncas Engaged in a Little Target Practice. KEY WEST, June United States auxiliary gunboat Uncas arrived here from the Cuban coast. She reports that on Monday last, when about a mile and a half West of Matanzas lighthouse, she sighted a Spanish house on shore.

Taking up: a position about 600 yards off shore, the Uncas fired two shots at the house, and the two shells went clear through the building, which was wrecked. everal Persons Injured by an Explosion. NEW YORK, June terrific explosion occurred early in the paper factory of Tobias New on East Nineteenth street, in which a number of persons were seriously injured, the entire plant was wrecked and thousands of dollars' of damage was done. No one was killed, but it is feared that some of the injured may die. Among the injured is Tobias New, the proprietor.

Spaniards Trying to Compromise Mexico MEXICO CITY, June is reported that the agents of the Spanish government are buying cattle and grain here, hoping to smuggle it out of the country in tramp steamers, which will endeavor to run the blockade. The matter will be looked into by the government, which is determined to maintain a strict neutrality. Mutiny at the United States Penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth. LEAVENWORTH, June the United States penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth mutiny broke out among the convicts, 15 of them escaping. After a lively chase one of them, James Musgrove, a territory outlaw, was shot down.

The others escaped. Massing Rations for Thirty Days. WASHINGTON. June war department is massing rations for 30 days for the troops that are assembling at Jacksonville, under command of Lee. The officials decline to say how many men are to be concentrated there or whether they will stay at that place for the full 30 days.

The Belvidere's Passengers Safe. PHILADELPHIA, June Norwegian steamer Kong Frode reached her dock in this city at 12:35 p. m. She had on board 24 passengers and the crew of persons from the wrecked steamer Belvidere. Vice-President pote of the Cuban republic is one of the passengers Illinois Prohibition State Convention.

PEORIA. June prohibition state convention, in session here, is very largely attended, every congressional district being represented, 1,260 delegates being present. Want to Fight With Bryan. JEFFERSON CITY, June Stephens is receiving many telegrams and letters from citizens in all parts of the state who want to enlist in Bryan's regiment. Renominated for Congress.

ST. JOSEPH, June F. Cochran was renominated by acclamation for congressman by the democrats pf this (Fourth) district at Savannah. Preparing to Receive the American Troops at Honolala. SAN FRANCISCO, June 2-The steamship Moana arrived here from Australia ports via Honolulu.

At the la latter place everything was in readiness for the reception of the troops on their way to Manila, and the most elaborate preparations had been made. Condition of the Bank of Spain More Serious Than a Reverse in War. MADRID. June 1. -4 p.

-The condition of the Bank of Spain is considered as more serious than any reverse of the war. It it can not help the government the war can not be continued. Ordered to Camp Alger. WASHINGTON, June 2. -The Thirtyfourth regiment of Michigan volunteers has been ordered by telegraph by Adjt.

-Gen. Corbin to proceed to Camp Alger, for duty under command of Graham of the Second army corps. Respect to the Memory of Ex-Gov. penter. DES Moises, June on all public buildings in the state are at half-mast out of respect to the memory of ex-Gor.

Cyrus C. Carpenter, whose funeral will be held lat Fart Christian Work in the Field. YOUNGSTOWN, June K. Kaskey, the general secretary of the Young Men's Christian association in this city, has left for Tampa, to assume charge of the Ohio branch of the Y. M.

C. A. at that point. Robert T. Lincoln's Son-in-Law a Soldier.

DES MOINES, June Beckwith, the baseball 1 player, who eloped with the he daughter of Robert T. Lincoln, has enlisted with the Iowa national guard, with the purpose. of going to the front. Samuel Plimsoll Dying. LONDON, June Plimsoll, known as "The Sailor's Friend," originator of the famous "Plimsoll mark." to prevent the overloading of ships, is said to be dying at Folkestone.

River News. STATIONS. Change Rain fall Gauge. 24 hours. in 24 hrs.

Pittsburgh. 3.9 Cincinnati 18.8 St. Louis. 19.4 1.0 St. 5.2 0.2 Davenport 4.0 0.0 .26 Memphis.

24.9 Louisville 8.6 30.9 New Orleans 14.8 -Fall. T. Trace. THE MARKET REPORT. THURSDAY, Jun: 2 Grain and Provisions.

ST. LOUIS-Flour-Patents, straight, 15.350-5.50; 3, clear. 98c. Corn 00. -No.

2 Wheat mixed, -No. 2 red, No. 2 white. 32c. Oats--No.

29c. Hay Prairie, mixed timothy, $7.50 0. 10.00: clear timothy, $8.50 12.00 Butter -Creamery, dairy, 1161 ic. Eggs -Fresh. 9c.

Lard -Prime steam. Pork- New standard mess, $11.50 Bacon -Extra shorts, clear ribs, clear. Te. all packed. WoolChoice washed, 230 to closed: June, 91e July, B4c September, c.

Corn -Futures closed: June, Jaly, September, a. CHICAGO- -Opening quotations: Wheat -July opened at sold down to then up to and declined to 97c. September started at advanced to then sold down to Corn- July opened at 24 sold down steadily to Oats--July began at and declined to Provisions- July pork opened at 811.52%, advanced to $11.60. and then declined to 811.42½. July lard opened at 86.25, and sold off to $6.20.

July ribs ribs started at 85.95, and declined to 85.90. CHICAGO- -Closing quotations: Wheat81.08: July, 920.91%c: September. December, Corn -June, July, 33e; September, Oats- June, 25c; July, September, Pork -June, July, 811.17½: September, $11.30. Lard June. 6.10; July.

September. Short Ribs- June, July, 85.82; September, $5.90. CHICAGO-Cash wheat: No. 2, red, 81.10: No. 3, red, No.

2 hard, No. 2 spring, 81.05; No. 3 spring. No. 1 northern spring, $1.22.

Cash corn: No. 2, No. 3, Cash oats: No. 2, No. 3, Live Stock Market.

ST. exports, 81.752 5.10; fair to choice. butchers', 82.75 cows and heifers, $3.60 4.45. Packing. butchers' hogs.

$4.0 lights, $3.9024.30. Sheep -Prices range at 83.50 spring lambs, per 100 lbs. HORSES. Heavy draft, good to extra. 55 00 2140 Drivers.

good to extra. 5: 0002 Saddlers. 50 0006150 00 Matched teams, good to 150 00 00 50 00 5110 00 Southern 25 0 4g, 60 00 MULES. 4 to 07 years old. 25 00 40 14 15 16 to hands, hands, hands, 4 4 4 to hands, to to 8 7 7 4 years to years years 7 years old.

35 50 80 75 00 00 00 0006 0, 0160 80 52 88881 CHICAG O- receipts, 24,000 head: left over 4,273 head. Market opened higher, turned slow to weak. Light, $3.850 4.35; mixed, heavy, 84.050 rough, Cattle -Receipts, 11,500 head. Market steady to stronger. Beeves, $1 00 2.3.25: cows and heifers.

82.4004.65; steers, $3.75 04.40: stockers and feeders. $1.0004.00. Sheep -Receipts, 14,000 head. Market strong. Natives, 83.40@5.65; westerns, 84.1004.60; lambs, $1.2500 6.25.

KANSAS CITY--Cattle -Native steers, 4.90: Texas steers, 84.00004.55: Texas cows, native cows and heifers stockers and feeders, bulls, $3.750 4.40. Hogs -Bulk of sales, heavies, packers, 84.00 mixed. $3.95 00 4.20; lights, yorkers. 84.0104. pigs.

Sheep -Lambs, 10; muttons, 4.85. CINCINNATI-Hogs-Active at $3.5004 40. Cotton. Louis, for middling range as follows: St. Quotations 6c; New York, 6 9-16c: 8 1-16c; Memphis, 6e; Charleston, Orleans, 6c.

Financial. NEW YORK, June 2. -Money on call nominally, per prime mercantile 4 per sterling paper, exchange heavy, with actual business in bankers' bills 486 for at 485 3 demand, and for 60 Posted rates, and days. 487; commercial bills, 483 Silver certificates. Bar silver, Mexican bid.

dollars, Government bonds strong. Prices were higher at the opening of the stock exchange, some hesitation in London nored here. The market being burst into furious ace tivity after the opening and was The dealings broadened very buoyant. out all through the list, and included a number of -neglected stocks, which seemed to move under tions. Realizing, which operapool lower properties, spread to the in the soon developed list, balance of the and losses reached the less over a point in some of to prominent stocks Business dwindled of ordinary proportions on the reaction.

Sales stocks to noon, 291,165 shares. market The bond showed even greater activity than stocks and the inquiry embraced all classes of securities. Oar American Pollez. The policy of this eign complications seems country likely regarding conservative. The Monroe doctrine, accom remain ing cians, will declaration sustained, our leading but patience polis prudence exuberance of official public quarters opinion.

will The restrain the in and most prudent course for the and the malarious is to use ach Bitters, which also cures Hostetter's kidney Stom rheumatic plaint and dyspepsia. com Different is between an optimist and a the pessimist? difference in optimist believes in mascots Journal. pessimist What You Get When You Buy Medicine is a Mattor of Creat Importance. Do you get that which has the eradicate from Jour blood all power to taints and thus remove the cause poisonous ease! Do of dis and only you Hood's? buy HOOD'S Sarsaparilla take it with the utmost you confidence do, you may will do you good. that it Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine.

six for Hood's Pills cure indigestion. 25 cents THE WORM TURNS. Suffering Humanity WIll Not Always mired Tamely Submit to Affability. for a victim affable for a passenger long had been He searching exclamations when reading time. had made hopes that it would attract his the paper, in the of some one and give him the attention to show his power as opportunity all his little ruses a failed.

conversationalist, but sat near him seemed to be wholly The people who themselves, but still he was not centered on and. pletely selecting discouraged. one man He to looked about him, comhe might be able whom he thought information, he to began impart much operations interesting marking: by reman I me, but you look very much like "Pardon The man who was addressed looked affable passenger gloomily, and, over recognizing the the type, in tones that cause Klondike: thermometer to sink, even in the the would time "Yes, is possibly so; but at the that you like a must excuse me, for you look same actly man I don't want to exPuck. Reason Enough. Miss Want do you suppose makes figure of Cupid such a favorite with silversmiths? Miss Knowall-It's probably cupidity.Jewelers' Weekly.

Nothing gives the loving Mother more antiety than the moaning, helpless distress of her puny, teething babe. Give it Dr. TEETHINA (2 ecthing Porders) and the babe will be better and brighter and the mother happier at once. TEETHINA Aid Disgestion and Regulates the Bowels. Effective.

Give a woman a book on chafing-dieh cookery if you want to make her believe that there is no place like home. -Chicago Times Herald. Some girls believe men are on earth ply to deceive them. Globe. "I DO MY OWN WORK." So Says Mrs.

Mary Rochiette of Linden, New Jersey, in this Letter to Mrs. Pinkham. was bothered with a flow which would be quite annoying at times, and at others would almost stop. "I used prescriptions given me by my physician, but the same state of affairs continued. 64 After time I was taken with a flooding, that I was obliged to keep my bed.

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I was as near death I believe as I could be, so weak that my pulse scarcely beat and my heart had almost given out. I could not have stood it one week more, I am sure. I never thought I would be so grateful to any medicine. "I shall use my influence with any one suffering as I did, to have them use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Every woman that is puzzled about her condition should secure the sympathetic advice of a woman who under stands.

Write to Mrs. Pinkham Lynn, and tell her your ills. STOPPED FREE. DR. NERVE Insanity PERMANENTLY KLINE'S Prevented RESTORER CREAT CURED by, Positive sure for all Nervous Diseases.

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Stamp partiesian day! To treatment all suffering of a remedy women. guarantees FREE to 660 Address cure all Madison FIDELIS Female Street. Chicago. Complaints Ill DISCOVERY; wore gIVE DROPS of testimonials and cures 10 dare Free. De.

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A 1.

The Forrest City Times from Forrest City, Arkansas (2024)


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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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