Valparaiso Visitor from Valparaiso, Nebraska (2024)

VALPARAISO, NKBUA8KA ITEMS OF' INTEhESTROM OVER TH STATE.4W a M. Bevlew'of tho eeki tlwyrM; nanteH' State -Saeetort Sammaurf pf the Hot I m- porUitSnr. VW- Asob-acre 'bfm. nearWaync roldtke xther day for a consideration ofan eT other day for a consideration of anev By impure bloodlIt is The ferencrve tomcj 1A number of wide awake -towns in number of wide awake in i- Mr- Pop Our youngest child talks all the time. 1 Mr, Chumppe Is 'it a boy or a Mr.

Pop- Didn't I ssy lt talked all the time. 1 Elmwood Is cxcitcd oVcr the. discovery of what promises to be an. oil well bathe farm of Cnrfs EngleUing, one-half mile southoftown. The Swift Packing company of Omaha reports that it slaughtered 11.471 sheep during the past week, the biggest week's work on record.

Mrs. B. Heller, whqjw husband was killed some three, months ago by being run over by a FritmontS; Elkhorn car while the train crew were making a flying switch at Ccrcsoo. has settled her claim. with the railroad compfiny, the.

latter paying her 82,500. Clarwitterj. was killed, his buggy was smashed to pieces, and one horse got his leg by being struck by Northwestern passenger train on a crossing near Norfolk. The train scared the horses and they began' to rear and prance, and would not go forward, hence the catastrophel It Kcpf the reet Warmand Dtjr -And is the only cnre Frostbites, Damp, Sweating Feet; Corns and Bunions. Ask for Alton's Boot-Ease, a powder to ahakento the shoes.

At all Dzuggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent VKESELU Address Alton S. Olmsted, LeRoy, Y. i A girl dont love every man she la trilling to go to a dollar show with. ditcoaraging trerawfeather Therscn-aztial meetingof the 'No- -bjraska vcterinjary medical association was held ildhnTuia Jahhary ik (The general merchandise store of W.Mnrcock about qine mflea west of Was burped to.

the Ground. It was the only store in tho little place and quitc blow. IxjrenD.Whclpley, Frembnt'a oldest taler, in boots, shoes and carpets, recently made an assignment in favor of tie First National bank, and his sister, A iw Vhelpley. 'The bank held; a mortgage on the boots and shoes an" A iss on the carpets. james Linville, who on the night of August 28, shot and killed Ilenry Car-pnter in a drunken row at' and who was captured In Conde, 8.

D. ii November brought to Dakota Cty for trial, was declared a free man by a jury, of hit countrymen; they sna-taining his pica of self ilVcsident Dole of Hawaii when he passed through Omaha on hia way to Washington was extened a royal write the exposition city by the municipal officers headed by Mayor Moores. It wm the first fiourmal official welcome he and his party had received Since they landed. I In police court at Norfolk a 'man calling himself A. C.

Clark pleaded guilty to forging and passing a It bore the name of C. F. Haase, for whom Clark worked for a time. He had check books of a Norfolk and Mhdiiwn bank and is thought to be an old offender. i Tlie first joint meeting of the annual sessions of the state swine breeders1 and the improved stock breeders1 associations was hrid recently in -Lincoln.

The interest in the topics up for discussion was. great. The visitors banqneljcd -by the Lancaster breeders the-Capital hotel. TO CURB A COLD IX OXX DAT' Take Itsxadve Braao Qolnine TaUeta. AB Drnssists refund the money If it falls toe Women dont forgive men who never get married or give presents.

Educate Tour Bowels With Candy On X0e. a fctliartle, cure eonatlpatlon If C.CL0L aH, drunlsts forever. refund Will Bartels of Dakota City, purchased forty.five head of stock cattle at the Sioux City stock yards, and while crossing the river on the ice with the bunch, the ice gave way. and all but three head went -into the Missouri fiver. Prompt work with a horse and rope succeeded in saving all but thirteen head.

psy takes her cl CnrcixxAii, phio, Jan 54. The toir Isiatlv. committee Inycs tigatlug the Otta charges ofbribery ia' the recent eleettOu pf United COlnmbns held a SesfeiOn 'ibere'Iat: highiand will continue its sittinga here-jtb-dsy: Tlie committee1- come from Coldmbus to the home of; Repre-: sentstive Otis In order to examine witnesses residing in thls city. The" examination was held in the. assembly, room of the Gibson house, in the presence of quite a large crowd.

Horace Dunbar, -president and manager of the Gibson house, was the only witness examined last night. The clerks and others about the hotel will be examined to-day. Mr. Dunbar was on the. witness stand during.

the meeting and produced his hotel register, that; Henry H. Boyce, of New York, occupied1 room 296: from 7 to January JO. Dnn bar, testified to haring Me suspicions aroucCand to the clerks watching Boyce. 1 Alien O. Myers, one of the; day clerks, arranged for a stenographie report of the conversations Boyce hod over the telephone during the Russell Pryor, the' night clerk, took down the conversations at night.

Boyce was gfqpn the key to the private office on the second floor whenever he wanted it, and the, arrangements downstairs were always complete for reports of whatever went on over the telephone wires, when Boyce woe nsing the private office. Dunbar-recited many of these conversations over the long distance telephone, in one of them the major1 was called np at Columbus and Mid: "Shane and the president will arrange things on Saturday. Boyce replied: Have -seen one of the party. Wants money. How e4n The reply from Columbus Suppose Q.

betrays you, what then? Mr. Dunbar said that Boyce re-; idled: No danger; I would' kill men tell no tales.1 Mr. Dunbar testified tbit Allen Myers, who was in Columbus aa one of the managers against Hannah was called np on Friday night, January 7, by Jeriy Bliss, and told of the. situation here, and what Boyce was doing. Myers advised Bliss that a man named Hollenbeck would leave Columbus for.

Cincinnati that night with money, and to have him watched, The next morning the Miller detective agency was employed watch Boyce and keep track of Hollenbeck on his arriufcL; On January 8 H. H. Hollenbeck of Ghardob, Ohio, registered at the Gibson for breakfast. They, watched all the movements of Hollenbeck, and traced to the Union 'Trust and Savings bank, of which J.G. Schmidlappi is president He was then traced to the different places of meeting, as charged by Rep-re sentstive Otis After paying his bill on Monday; and before departing, Mr.

Boyce told' Dunbar if. he, wanted, to win. some money to bet'oh Otto Mutz, chairman of the legislative investigation committee, has sworn out a complaint, which hksbeen placed ini 'the sheriff's hands to serve, charging the ex-superintendent of the Nebraska City institute for the blind, Ebright with obtaining 5300 from the state under false pretenses. The com? plaint was made in Otoe, county, and the warrant for Mr. Ebright's arrest was issued by the county judge.

Mr. Ebright appeared before County Judge Joyce at Nebraska City and secured a continuance to March 13, giving bond in the sum of 51,000. northeast Nebraska are contemplating' a baseball, league for th rooming summer. The bnsines men of Lexington are organising a commercial club to push the growth of their city the coming year. Hastings firemen ore asking for the next annual meeting of the volunteer firemen of the state to be.

held in their sity. The Salvation aymy has looked upon North Platte1 as a good point for work, and last week opened barracks at that place. ft i Franklin has organised a creamery station, and the farmers of that vicinity are coming enthusiastically to its support. W. A.

Gilliland of Bedford precipct, Nemaha county, sold his 3G0 acre farm to Kansas parties for the comfortable nun of 913,000. Frank Coleman-of Red Willow conn ty while oat hunting rested the muzzle of his gun on. his'. right foot, lie is now in a hospital. Ityannisv a town on the Burlington in the sand hill country to northwest, received 170 cars of merchandise during the year 1807.

An independent telephone line to connect a number of towns in Richardson county is under discussion with prospects of construction. The trial of James LinvUle fdrr the murder of Charles Carpenter at Goodwin has commenced at Dakota City. Ills pica will be self defense. 8 Dr. Hutchinson of Madison had a monstrosity born to one of his' pet cows in the shape of an eiglit-legged calf.

He has sold it for 8320. York county is arranging for one oi the best of the many good farmers institutes being held in Nebraska -this winter. Prominent speakers, upon agricultural topics will be present. Ogalalla has incorporated a creamery company which will' commence oper-tioixs, using the milk from 500 cows. The farmers of that vicinity arc preparing to profit by tlie enterprise.

Members of the state militia su-e re-. 1 calling that it was seven years ago this month when they went on their memorable campaign to the north which terminated at-Wounded Knee. A small barn on the premises near Norfolk rented by David Singer burned and a team of horses, harness and all her contents of the barn were consumed. There was -no insurance and the loss to Singer is heavy. The buying of horses both for export to Europe and for use in the east is now in progress in the state.

Last week buyers were at York and Seward making purchases and paying thirty-five to seventy dollars per head for average horses. There is a farmer in Holt county named Slaymaker who contests -each S'car for the premiums offered by seed houses for the best vegetables. This year he took a half dozen prmiums, and a year ago his premiums from this source aggregated him over 5300. 1 Sheriff Lancaster of. York arrested Dick Hellagass and Charles Gregory; charged with having stolen harness from Monler Grieves, a fanner living in the edge of Polk county, two miles north of Arborville.York county.

Sheriff Nenqhest of Polk county was Notified and came and, took the prisoners to Osceola. The men came to York -'si' -W: A T. -v-. P- y. SV OP-M ftF jMt -V.

hr-. j.1-. a Tfe- vV-. pnder the management of Mr. Alars-den, formerly with.

the Della Pringle company, Trilby was produced in. Grand Island at the t.icderkranz hall by a home talent company. The. characters were all- well performed, that of Svengali being especially good, O. K.

Niemann taking this important role. i It is now generally believe Colnm-bijM that T. Clark, who disappeared rather mysteriously about the 10th has gone to Africa to engage in missionary work! Mr. Clark had lived ini Columbus for the past fifteen yean and was a highly educated man. He had read much about the missionary wbrk being -done in Africa recently and had frequently expressed a desire go there.

He had about 8800 when left. C. E. Maher of Grand Island, walked into the police station at Sacramento, the other day to be locked up. He said he was a traveling salesman for Armour that he had bqen drinking heavily and having been entrusted by his employers with a large sum of money had squandered it.

He was sent baric to Ncbraaka in Beatrice special: Dr. FuUon's hounds did another fine pieee of work at Okcto, one day lost week. A 8100 shotgun and robe had been stolen frai a cutter. -When the dogs werd token off the. care at.

Oketo a fellow standing on the platform said: 'If those dogs ever come to my house I'll kill them. As he was not suspected of the theft, nothing was thought of the rl-markj but the dogs went direetly to his place when given the scent. When the fel-ldw opened the door he had an axe in his hand, which he brandished in a threatening manner, but was finally induced to qniet' A search of the house revealed the missing arti-clea. Articles of incorporation of the Pacific Railroad company, filed Friday, Jan. 31, with Secretary of State Porter, arc signed by Edward Dickenson, Otto II.

Kahn, II. C. Doming, Alvin W. Felix M. War-bnrg, E.

R. Adec, George IT. Squire, Lawrence Greer, Alexander filler, James G. Harris. The capital is The fee under the Nebraska law, being at the rate of 10 cento for every 81,000 of capital stock in excess of 8100,000, is 813,600 and 83.50 extra for recording.

Attorney Carroll, 1 representing the reorganized Union Pacific Rrilroad did not' pay this fee direct to Secretary Porter. He deposited the money in the state treasury and presented Treasurer Meserves receipt to Secretary Porter. The county commissioners of Lancaster county, since they1 have been looking Into thp matter of presenting. the obligations of the debtora of the estate oi Maxey Cobb to the grand jury, have been noticed in secret con- LUETGERT DEFIANT. cliargof an officer to answer to the Detertnlaed to XU Bis Story la' run IH tall or Set aft AIL Chicago, Jan.

24. When Luetgert took, the stand again he was apparently much more composed and I r- For maps. paxnphtotarailtray answered -the questioijs propounded fnlf faformatipnconeMrntog crops, apply to I V. BENNETT, n. ha-' Hew York Life charge, of embezzlement preferred the Armour company.

At a recent athletic exhibition by the Omaha Tumverein Dan Baldwin, the Sampson of. the police force, gave a ptrong man exhibition in which, by means of a platform across his breast afid leaning with his hands behind, him upon the floor he held up a plank upon which were seated or standing' twenty of the big athletes present, and he held them there while snap afcet artist secured impression. A professional strong man named Geiske participated in the program, but Bald BaildMs.Oaaha inclined to.go- into details more than attorney, Mr. Harmon, aired! When asked to pay less tfon to detail, with some show of be said that he would tell bls history thoroughly or; not ftt ill. Luetgert aaid that; he i had hadth'e potash the factory nearly Sif? alien- SIOOToAny liiflll.Wi'sai' i-'JV months before the day of hi wife's outdid his Wst efforts.

Of Weakams la'? WaTOy TSeat 'aaS( disappearance, that (t. had coucesto an that' he notMet to 'make win --V7 soft abap but of it. His rieejdng in abont a month ago, and It is claimed ferences with a number of those An Omaha Company placfuT for the! flridT? time before ths public MAatoAL Txaxv mn for thecuru of LeBtYltalityKervous -and Sexuai Weakness; und Rmtoratkm of Hf 7onw in old and; 7oung.Mnen..No worn-our; French remedy no; Phoaphorus orotoerharmfnl Arugs It is- rank Johnson formerly managing agent of the Midland State bank of Omaha, and! Wm. H. Jdhnson.

its cashier were arrested on complaint of Wm. McKenna, one of: the depositors wiO lost money by reason of iisVfoilV hre two years ago, who charges i that tqey did fetonijonsly permit, eonniyi etteourage receive for depcit in satid; bahk a'eeijtain deposit in the factory, hexplained' was neees aary hecaUse there vre re many: thin ga whicb he had to attend to- at nlght. May l.he date-; of hia wife'sl disap-Pf aranee, he ate breakfast earJy. went to his offiee and gave orders tOi his ineitiiMe intended to nn-thelfot into sdap to hiake his place? had been using the stolen harness drawing in hay and straw which they sold in the city. Haliagass, it is alleged, is an-ex-convicv r- There ls eomplaint from Norfolli petty thieving is altogether ioo common there and the officials promise some warm work to put stop to it 1 4 Colfax county, has half million doL tars on deposit in its haaks which amount la; a large increase over ihe de-posits a year ago.

Loons and discounts tliAw iwrMnnniiinif dcnrr ill cUrrency. bank' bHl. drafts' andcredits that of ahcL In the; sum6 of .8475, 65, the samp being the. prep rty of William Mof KjmnoThe' woJ ohnsonswerc taken afternoon and his wife abtuQdblia ih words Which heftuM.tratf. Afte? a time she took, is lmttozii Ahd went te Afiei-f actoty'Tltotnw't tfie laatMmit gentlemen and the rumor is quite well authenticated' that a 'number of the debtors are thinking seriousty of effecting -a seitlemenLDne at toast, owing several hundreds, is in mood to pay county comtosoners 'were yesterday conference wlth the county attorney over'the xhatter of the kind of cvidence that be required iot i( jeonirietion' In the matteri.

Sine ohe mah has sent ln84S it "fa tknpwn'that; others are satching the fever in an manner; jneetifig of rthd-state, agricnlttue ini I'XJhcolnj'. the' President Doolittlv In slighUydifferent manner policy falrto I ddtand J899 oevehtl? '-I jf 4 5,4 4-VSy into, imatody' and gavebail inthe sum 51,000 each to appear for preliminary, ng ihpbliee -A' warrant: uff eringT peenllarftOLosOlf an-Nebend they FREE, a -valnabla and positive proofj oftheitrnlir, Maoicax of mn, who have 'Install hppeef restored brtbem fo a perfect Jhli MitKuiTMiTWZf may betaken at home under their directions, or ihey will pay railroad tare end ludel mus to all who4 prefertodhto there fortreatmantif they, lallto CurecTheyare-perf eeitiv-rellable haveno.rFree Tr Sample; oT OwlLfakaTheyhavu 4 JIBBOflOOh capital and guarantef oi onre rafunderwy tor? or their charges may-be depositod In WritethaniXOdaTj STAGE roa: Hisit 4 noa 'JiemAflrhsa tnftlsflM fp dphjfc Of thehank, i buthewas. nothin' "hegoteino? andthe stateanditoi, uveiyeseeXheytreat hr dol i. a bank ftobe paid to themwhen a Btmr! lof blothIiur.r mt IthereewwFi, nothing.

Valparaiso Visitor from Valparaiso, Nebraska (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.